Audio Meditations

Khush Raho! Be Happy!

Here you will find a few meditations to sample. I include the sounds of nature and music mixed with my scripts. This helps with the practice of recognizing one’s thoughts and then letting them go. Remember, meditation is a practice, and staying focused will come easier in time. Take this moment to be fully present. Sit with yourself and notice using all five senses. Notice with appreciation for all that you are and all that you bring.

Take your time and settle into your space.

Feel your body rooted to the earth, whether you sit on a mat or in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground. Keep your spine straight, with the crown of your head reaching for the sky. This will allow you to fully fill your lungs and bring oxygen to each cell in your body. Rest your hands gently in your lap and when you are ready, slowly close your eyes.