Launching a Corporate Meditation Practice

Meditation Practice Launch

Practicing meditation has been scientifically proven to change the human brain in positive ways.  In a world with an increasing number of distractions, meditation builds focus, increases productivity,  improves problem-solving and boosts innovation.  
Launching a meditation practice supports both employee wellness and corporate wellness.  The practice of sitting quietly focused on your breathing is calming.  Taking this time to notice oneself builds an awareness that allows space to experience before reacting.  As more employees, both leaders and individual contributors, participate in the practice, the culture begins to shape into one where people notice, appreciate, set positive intentions and mindfully engage with each other.  The practice introduces simple tools that build resilience and bring happiness.
A leader and three co-workers practicing meditation.

Strategic Planning Sessions

The Journey begins with creating a meditation practice strategy that supports your corporate goals.  The practice will be integrated with your benefits and wellness programs, and leverage existing campus facilities, corporate communications venues, virtual technologies and key corporate events.  

Review Policies

Review of your current HR policies and benefits with a mindful lens and feedback

Employee Practice Sessions

At the heart of the practice are regular sessions where employees gather either in-person or virtually to share the challenges and revelations in their individual meditation practices in a supportive community.   Each session includes a group meditation and discussion.

Coaching for Key Influencers

Leadership support is critical in engaging employees in the meditation practice.  Launching a practice can include coaching for Executive and Human Resource Sponsors.

Mindfulness and Meditation Coaching for Human Resources Professionals

Culture Influencers can be prepared to host meditation practices at facilities outside your main corporate campus. The practice can also be designed to reach virtual employees and can build engagement across miles.

Presentation Options

Presentations at Business Unit meetings, sales meetings, staff meetings and employee celebrations build awareness of the practice and the benefits of the practice.